
The 口腔卫生 程序 is a comprehensive didactic and clinical program. 变化 在课程和入学要求的口腔卫生计划可能会发生 从你申请学院到你被录取的时间 clinical component of the program. You must meet any new requirements for the class in which acceptance if offered.

申请学院并注明专业为口腔卫生的学生必须符合 进入口腔卫生学临床部分的具体录取标准 程序. Declaring 口腔卫生 as your major does not indicate automatic acceptance nor matriculation into the clinical component of the 口腔卫生 程序.

  1. Admission 牙齿卫生项目 is very competitive; completion of the minimum requirements does not guarantee admittance nor matriculation. 感兴趣的学生 must meet with a 口腔卫生 Academic Advisor to discuss course sequencing and to verify all admissions requirements are met. 学生 who wish to be considered 牙科卫生计划的临床组成部分,必须出示证书 in accordance with the following requirements:
    1. Submit an application to the College indicating 口腔卫生 as a major.
    2. 提交正式高中或G.E.D成绩单.
    3. Complete high school Chemistry or CHE 121 (or higher) within 5 years with a grade C级或更高.
    4. 五年内完成bio131, bio132和bio140,最低成绩为“B” or 更好的 in 1 course, with the 2nd & 3rd courses having minimum grades of "C" or 更好的. 必须完成 within 2 attempts. (见 综合评分政策)
    5. Complete ENG 101 and ESW 206 with grades C级或更高.
    6. 完成入学要求的基本学术技能测试(TEAS®考试) 牙齿卫生项目. The exam assesses your ability to meet the demands 并评估你在数学、英语、阅读、 语言和科学. Submit a TEAS Comprehensive score of 50 (or higher) AND a TEAS Reading Comprehension Score of 75 (or higher) within two years. 必须完成 在两次尝试中. 参见TEAS®信息包. 请注意,这是要收费的 对于tea.
  2. 符合特定录取标准并寻求录取的学生是必需的 要完成一个“注册意向". 在完成所有标准并公布成绩之前,学生不得提交表格. 符合所有标准并提交“意向”的学生将被录取 to Register" form until all the available seats are filled. 冰球突破豪华版是第一次 来吧,先到先得. Accepted students will be notified by email when the Intent 登记期截止.


Upon acceptance 牙齿卫生项目, students are required to:

  1. 在满足所有初始临床要求的情况下,开设并维护城堡分公司账户 需求(约. $100) annually thereafter which includes:
    1. Student liability insurance (约. $37);
    2. 医疗保险证明;
    3. 具备完成课程要求的“口腔卫生基本功能”的能力;
  2. Have a physical examination, which includes but is not limited to:
    1. 选定疫苗接种文件(乙型肝炎、水痘、MMR、COVID - 19、年度流感);
    2. 尿药物筛查;
    3. 在进入临床部分前6个月进行肺结核检查 然后每年一次. 学生 with a positive PPD will be required to have a QuantiFERON Gold test for tuberculosis or a clear chest x-ray;
  3. 保持目前的CPR认证,直到通过完成临床课程 American Heart Association Basic Life Support;
  4. 儿童虐待历史检查,联邦调查局检查和PA犯罪记录检查 (约. $75). NOTE: A Child Abuse History, PA Criminal Record and/or an FBI Record may exclude you for participation in the clinical component of the 口腔卫生 计划或获得执照作为牙科保健师由宾夕法尼亚州规定 国家牙科委员会.
  5. Purchase the 口腔卫生 程序 uniform and clinical shoes (约. $200);
  6. Purchase all 口腔卫生 instrument kits (约. $1850);
  7. Attend a Mandatory Orientation in early August;
  8. 承担所有往返临床轮岗地点的交通责任;
  9. 学生必须达到NBDHE和ADEX (CDCA/WREB/CITA)项目设定的基准。 考试. 

学生有责任找到自己的病人,以满足每门课程的病人 能力需求.

注意:在口腔卫生计划的学生可能会接触到血液传播的病原体. 为学生提供全面的传染病知识和理解, 疾病传播机制、OSHA血源性标准和CDC指南 控制感染.

由于班级规模的限制,我们不保证在非临床 and clinical courses; you may complete the required non-dental hygiene courses and 然后必须等待,直到有空间在临床口腔卫生课程.

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除学术入学要求外,学生进入口腔卫生专业 program must meet the 基本功能. These are identified to ensure health and safety for students, patients, and other healthcare workers. 学生必须具备:

  • Intellectual, conceptual, and critical thinking skills
    • Assess, analyze, reason, and synthesize data
    • Draw sound conclusions and make critical decisions
    • Problem solve and obtain, interpret, and document information
  • Oral and written communication skills
    • Accurately transmit information appropriately
    • Communicate effectively with students, patients, and faculty/staff
    • Proficiently read and write clearly in English
    • 遵循的方向
  • 粗细运动技能
    • 提升和操作设备
    • Provide safe and effective dental hygiene care
    • Full range of motion, manual dexterity, and finger dexterity
    • Maintain control of sharp instruments within a patient’s mouth
    • Maintain safety for students and patients
  • 人际关系技巧
    • 能够在专业环境中与他人互动(病人,同学, 教师/员工)
    • 能够与来自不同社会的个人、家庭和团体互动, economic, and ethnic backgrounds
    • Accept feedback, consctructive criticism, and apply feedback into practice
    • Interact with others in a manner appropriate for a health care professional
  • 身体活动能力和耐力
    • 提升和操作设备
    • Move from place to place in small spaces
    • Full range of motion, manual dexterity, and finger dexterity
    • Stay on task for prolonged periods of time
    • Sit, stand, and move for prolonged periods of time
  • Perceptual abilities and sensory skills
    • Make observations and assessments
    • Distinguish subtle changes in oral conditions
    • 监测和评估卫生需求
    • Maintain control of sharp instruments within a patient’s mouth
    • Detect changes in pressure and feelings with small instruments
    • Maintain safety for students, patients, faculty/staff
  • Professional attitudes and behaviors
    • Use reasonable judgment under stressful conditions
    • Work independently and as a member of a healthcare team
    • 保持职业形象
    • Maintain personal health (physical, emotional, and mental)
  • 通用技能
    • Time management and patient management
    • Ability to multitask and prioritize
    • 遵循的方向
    • Comprehend and follow instructions
    • Comply with clinical and professional regulations/procedures

学生必须能够完成牙医工作的这些基本功能 在不危及病人、自己、其他学生或教职员工的情况下进行卫生保健. These functions must be performed without limitations.


申请人如未完成口腔卫生专业所需的学术准备 学生可以参加学院的预备课程,以加强他们的学术背景. 顾问可以通过电话帮助学生选择合适的课程 215-641-6577 (蓝铃校园) or 610-718-1906 (Pottstown校园).


A级考生.A.S. Degree in 口腔卫生 may progress within the program 并被推荐给PA州牙科委员会获得执照和资格 参加国家口腔卫生委员会考试和ADEX(CDCA/WREB/CITA)考试 if the following requirements have been met.

  • 最低等级 "75" 在所有牙齿卫生(DHG)和相关的程序课程作为课程的先决条件 在下一个层次.
  • Complete courses in prescribed sequence as identified under Sequence of Courses.

所有学生必须在四学年内完成口腔卫生课程 the date of initial enrollment in the program. Eligibility for re-admission to the 方案是基于空间的可用性,以及满足最低规定的要求.


注:宾夕法尼亚州联邦牙科委员会第216号牙科法 在第4节.1:

PA国家牙科委员会有权拒绝,撤销或暂停 license of any applicant where the Board shall find that the applicant.*

*犯有涉及道德败坏的罪行或轻罪,或有 被判犯有重罪,违反了联邦或任何国家的法律 其他州. For purposes of this clause, the phrase “having been found guilty” shall 包括有罪的发现或判决,承认有罪或无罪抗辩.

*不能以合理的技能和安全的方式从事牙科保健员的工作 病人因生病、醉酒、过量使用管制药物, 化学品,或任何类型的物质,或因为任何精神或身体状况.

A comprehensive list of reasons that the PA 国家牙科委员会 may refuse a professional dental hygiene license can be found in:

  • 第四节.1 of The Dental Law #26 of the 国家牙科委员会, Commonwealth of 宾西法尼亚
  • 宾夕法尼亚州联邦州牙科委员会第25号法案:附表 刑事定罪
  • PA健康与安全标题#35,宾夕法尼亚联邦:老年人保护 服务的行动

所有与许可证有关的问题都应直接向宾夕法尼亚州联邦提出。 国家牙科委员会,P.O. Box 2649, Harrisburg, PA 17105-2649.